Reverse Desertification // Marios Messios

REVERSE DESERTIFICATION targets a large issue on the island of Cyprus which is the absence of water. It can be resolved if new theories are proposed. It is the accumulation of rain and it’s distribution that can define and revitalise the island. At this point I am proposing of a new system of localised collection and distribution of water that can then be used by the hierarchical chain of need.

Cyprus // Sensitivity to desertification


This mapping illustrates the layers that compile the ‘sensitivity to desertification’ along with further explanation for each layer.


The interactive application tries to overlap an x’ amount of layers that form desertification and the visualises the most affected areas.


At this point the design intent extends to the boundaries of the simple concept of distribution and it proposes two schemes. Both being the collection of water and its distribution. One is overground and the other underground.